God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to take the punishment for all sin - past, present, and future

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to take the punishment for all sin - past, present, and future

The righteous requirements of God have been fully satisfied through the sacrificial death of his perfect Son and God has given proof of this by raising Jesus from the dead.

Jesus overcame sin and death, is now alive and working to rescue us from our sin, to bring us into his kingdom, to transform us.

God reaches out to us in love to offer us forgiveness and salvation, the power to live a holy life and the guarantee of eternal life.  Our part is to acknowledge our need, to ask for fogiveness, to turn from our selfish and sinful ways and to believe in Jesus Christ.  This faith is expressed through a life of obedience to his commands commencing with baptism and public confession that he is our Saviour and Lord.

Through these steps we are born again into God's family, we come alive to God and God sends His Holy Spirit to live in us to assure us of our salvation, to empower us to live a transformed life, and to give us hope for the future.  God with us and in us.  Walking through life with a personal relationship with our Creator.

Now that is good news!